Information according to § 5 e-commerce-law and disclosure according to § 25 medial and media owner:
Advertising and Communication
UID-Number: ATU65692235
FB-Number: 346703h
FB-Court: HG Wien

Probusgasse 1
A-1190 Vienna

Tel: +43 /1/ 328 66 60
Fax: +43 /1/ 328 66 60 66

Member of WKO, Fachgruppe Werbung und Marktkommunikation
Verleihungsstaat Österreich



The author of the texts and pictures, M’CAPS GmbH, reserves the right to disseminate and duplicate. No component of the text and graphical material, not even in extracts, is allowed to be reproduced, processed, recorded, duplicated or distributed without the written permission of the author.


Despite careful examination we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked sites are exclusively responsible for these contents.


We compile, process and make use of your personal data only within the scope of legal provisions. The data privacy statement is only valid for the use of websites offered by us. It is not valid for websites of other service providers, which we only refer to via links. During the use of our websites you remain anonymous, unless you decide to voluntarily make personal data available to us. Personal data is only collected if it is necessary for the use of services offered on the website, particularly forms. The data which is provided to us will be treated as strictly confidential. Without your explicit consent we will not pass on any personal data, unless we are legally obliged to do so. Nevertheless, we point out the fact that when transmitting data on the internet it can always happen that third parties notice or falsify them. If you wish to access your saved personal data it will be made available and further, if desired, deleted. Furthermore, if you wish to correct, delete or look into your given data it is sufficient to write a letter to the address written in the imprint. Within the scope of notifying our customers concerning novelties we will only get in contact if you provide us with your email address.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of the Google Inc. (“Google”). Google analytics makes use of so called “cookies”, text files which are saved on your computer and enable an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated by the cookie concerning your use of the website will be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and saved there. If IP-anonymization is enabled when visiting this website the IP-address will be shortened within the European Union and other contract member states. Your full IP-address will only be transmitted to a server in the USA and shortened there in exceptional cases.

The IP-anonymization is active on this website. Google will use this information, on behalf of the website owners, to evaluate your use of the website to create reports concerning the site activities in order to provide other services related to the website and internet usage to the website owners.

Your IP-address, which is transmitted within the range of Google Analytics, will not be merged with other data of Google. You can prevent the saving of your data through appropriate adjusting your browser software. However, we should point out that in this case you might not be able to use all functions of this website fully.

Further, you can prevent the acquisition of data by the cookie concerning the usage of the website (including your IP-address) and their dissemination through Google by downloading and installing this browser plug-in under the following link: